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Essential Listening Activities for the Classroom
SKU 29199
Product Details
Eric Branscome
FBA Grade:
Listening Activities for the Music Classroom is a wonderful supplemental resource for music teachers, home school teachers, or general education instructors who wish to incorporate music into their lessons. The enjoyable learning games and activities in this collection, presented in a lesson plan format, have been selected for their ease in instruction and flexibility. Easy-to-use templates are also included for most lessons, along with instructions on making manipulatives to supplement the lessons. The fun and creative lessons range from exploring instrument sounds to learning activities and maps for favorite classical music pieces such as Carnival of the Animals, Pictures at an Exhibition, Also Sprach Zarathustra, and many more! A solid curriculum choice for any elementary classroom, Essential Listening Activities for the Music Classroom will set your students on a path to achieve their musical best!
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Essential Listening Activities for the Classroom
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