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It's Easy Being Green!
SKU 34706
Product Details
Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse / orch. Tim Hayden
FBA Grade:
What a wonderful learning experience for your students---and audience members, too! There are many everyday "green" things we can do to make our world a better place. This entertaining variety of eight songs can be performed individually, or combined into a 25-minute program, enhanced by a recital of "Smart Tips" offered before each song. The teacher's handbook includes reproducible song sheets, and the Enhanced SoundTrax CD includes reproducible pdf files of song sheets and cover art. This songbook is recommended for grades 1-6. Titles: It's Easy Being Green * The Bag Lady * Turn It Off! * Drip, Drip, Drop, Drop * Slow Down! * At Home * The Recycle Rap * Goin' Green.
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